Estate Administration is a process that can take several months to several years, depending on the size and complexity of the estate, which means you need an estate attorney you can trust and feel comfortable working with long term.  We diligently strive to settle an estate as quickly and efficiently as possible, in order to minimize the emotional toll and financial impact on the surviving heirs.

At Ashcraft Law Offices, we work to handle all aspects of the estate settlement process for all types of estates, whether or not the deceased died with a will.  Estate administration includes the following:

  • Probate of wills and filing for administration if an individual dies without a will;
  • Settlement of trusts;
  • Identification and gathering the assets of the estate; and
  • Assistance preparing and filing state and federal estate tax returns: Gift, Estate, Inheritance, Generation-skipping (Accountant fees charged separately)

Ashcraft Law Offices is experienced in handling Washington and Utah estate administrations.  We work closely with executors, trustees, and administrators to relieve the burden and ease any fears associated with administering the estate of a loved one.


Probate is a legal process that allows the court to prove or disprove the decedent’s Last Will and Testament, allows heirs to contest the will and appoints and grants authority to the executor of the estate to act on behalf of the estate during the estate administration.

Before entering the probate process, you will need a probate lawyer to provide sound, reasonable advice and give you an idea of what to expect.  Hiring an estate attorney who focuses in probate and trust settlement makes navigating the terrain of contested wills, validation, and estate administration much less daunting.  Contact us now to learn how we can help.

Our Estate Administration services include:

  • Probate Administration
  • Trust Administration
  • Estate Accounting
  • Will Only Filings/Notice to DSHS (WA)
  • Small Estate Affidavit (UT and WA)
  • Application for Employer Identification Number (EIN)
  • Attorney Opinion Letters
  • Trust Splits
  • Tax Return Preparation Assistance
  • Affidavit of Death of Joint Tenant
  • Affidavit of Successor Trustee for Deceased Trustee


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